Tuesday, August 21, 2007


seoul south korea shopping districts: (top left to right) doota tower in dongdaemun 10 floors of delicious shopping( trends start here the clothing i saw back in march is showing up in stores here (u.s) now), center of myong dong many stores lots of people, (middle left to right) shot taken from across the street, myong dong food stand selling corn, meat, etc., (bottom left to right) shoe store so many to pick from about $25 a pair less if you bargain, the lotte young plaza in myong dong floors upon floors of shopping (uniqlo on the top floor if i remember correctly) if you ever get the chance to venture to the other side of the world you should definitely check out seoul. i know a lot of people say the tokyo is the place to visit but i believe seoul could give toyko a run for their money. there are so many other districts that i didn't get the chance to visit due to time constraints BUT the places i saw were amazing.

1 comment:

The Wannabe said...

Hey there! I noticed you're interested in fashion and thought you might like to check my new blog. It features great fashion picks at low prices. Prada is nice, but so is reality ;D

Check it at:


ps; this blog makes me want to go to korea!

See you around!